DexaFit Jacksonville Membership Contract Terms

Membership Terms

Payment Terms

I agree to pay DexaFit Jacksonville the monthly fee based on the Membership plan chosen. This payment will be made via the credit card or bank account number I designate to DexaFit. I understand and agree that this credit card or bank account will be automatically charged or debited each month on the same day that the Recurring Monthly Membership begins.

If a payment is declined due to an expired card or insufficient funds, I agree to provide updated payment information within 7 days. If payment is not received within this timeframe, I understand that my account may be subject to an interest charge of 15% per month on the outstanding balance until paid in full. In addition, my membership may be suspended until payment is received.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Our cancellation policy allows you to cancel at any time; however, we do require a 30-day notice prior to the next billing cycle. If you cancel within this period, you’ll be charged for the upcoming month but not thereafter. Upon cancellation, I can redeem any eligible services for the months paid. To cancel, I must provide written notice to DexaFit at least 30 days in advance of the monthly charge date. This notice can be submitted in writing or in person at DexaFit Jacksonville. I understand that cancellation does not entitle me to a refund of any membership fees already paid.

If I decide to cancel and have not redeemed any services within the first three months of my membership, I may request a full refund of the charges by emailing or calling 904-801-9109.

Authorization for Charges

I give DexaFit permission to make this automatic charge or debit to my credit card or bank account each month until I choose to cancel as provided herein. I agree that any credit card authorization or bank account withdrawal not honored by my credit card provider or bank will result in DexaFit collecting two months' fees on the next scheduled charge or debit date, plus any applicable interest charges. I understand that it is my responsibility to keep my payment information up to date to avoid any disruption in services or additional charges.


Rescheduling and Cancellation Policy

Rescheduling Appointments

I may reschedule my appointment via the DexaFit website up to 24 hours before my original appointment time. I simply log into my DexaFit account, cancel my current appointment, and make another one. My account will automatically allow me to re-book another appointment with a prepaid scan or test credit, and I will not be charged again.


Up to 24 hours before appointment: I may cancel my appointment via my account on the DexaFit website.

Less than 24 hours before appointment: I must contact DexaFit via email or phone to cancel or reschedule. At this point, my scan or test credit is no longer refundable, but DexaFit will gladly help me reschedule to another time.

No-shows: I understand that no-shows lose their test credits without refund and will be charged a no-show fee of $75.

Repeated No-shows: If I have three or more no-shows within a 12-month period, I understand that DexaFit reserves the right to terminate my membership without refund.

If something goes wrong

If something goes wrong that was DexaFit's fault, I understand that DexaFit will do its best to correct and resolve the situation amicably. Depending on the individual circumstances, if DexaFit is unable to provide the promised service, they will work to help me reschedule to another time or process a refund of the original charge. However, I understand that receiving a test result I do not like (or do not agree with) is not considered "something going wrong," nor is it generally grounds for retesting or an automatic refund. I understand that DexaFit testing, specifically its DEXA scans, are not a technology everyone is familiar with, and DexaFit will work to help me understand why the results may be different (and generally higher) than other modalities. I understand that a few short sentences cannot accurately capture any and all situations and that DexaFit will consider exceptions to these guidelines on a case-by-case basis.

Legal Compliance and Dispute Resolution

Governing Law

I understand that these Membership Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, without regard to its conflict of law principles.

Arbitration Agreement

I agree that any dispute, controversy, or claim arising out of or relating to these Membership Terms, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association under its Commercial Arbitration Rules. The number of arbitrators shall be one. The place of arbitration shall be Tallahassee, Florida. The arbitration shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida. Judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.

Legal Fees

I understand that in any arbitration or legal action to enforce these Membership Terms, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorney's fees and costs.

I understand that if any provision of these Membership Terms is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable.

Contact Information

For any queries or issues related to the membership terms, I can contact DexaFit Jacksonville at:

DexaFit Jacksonville

6817 Southpoint Parkway, Suite 2004

Jacksonville FL, 32216
